
About us

Jakob finished his studies in 2008 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel as Master in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy. In 2010 he followed with success the Master-after-Master training manual therapy and sports physiotherapy at the KU Leuven.
In between Jakob continues further training, especially in the field of the manual and sports physiotherapy, the respiratory physiotherapy and the cardiac rehabilitation. He as such is an approved physiotherapist with the BVRK (Belgische Vereniging Respiratoire Kinesitherapie) (Belgian Association of Respiratory Kinesitherapy).
Since 2008 he is an independent physiotherapist in Tervuren and surrounding areas.
In addition to his work as physiotherapist, Jakob has these past years also focused on personal training. He is an all-round sportsman with sports and training experience in athletics, football, sailing, skiing, half marathon and cycling.
As personal trainer he wishes to pass on his sports microbe. In combination with his paramedical training Jakob assures the most optimal guidance of starting sportsmen as well as more experienced ones.
In his free time, Jakob is until now trainer and executive member of the Running Club Wezembeek‑Oppem, player/physiotherapist with some local football teams and vice‑president of the sports council in Tervuren.


In 2018, I received my master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Human Movement Sciences with distinction as a specialization in sports. During my studies I did an internship at various places where I learned skills that a physiotherapist must master in my eyes. More concretely, in terms of traineeships, I was responsible for the respiratory services, where I mastered this branch of the kine and orthopedics where I followed many surgeries and the subsequent rehabilitation of numerous orthopedic interventions. I also ran at high-quality internships such as Peter Laus (kiné of the Flemish athletics club), at the Kinetics, under the guidance of Tom Dieussaert (Ex kiné RSCA and current kiné top sports school table tennis), at Wauter Taurin, kiné of the national athletics federation, at Jakob Falk (see CV Jakob Falk), at the World Cup Acro gymnastics, at an international rugby tournament and at a national badminton championship stage. In all these places I gained a lot of experience in different sports and in physiotherapy in all his domains in general and I took the best things per internship to form myself as a complete physiotherapist. I also offer ‘dry needling’, this is a treatment technique that can be used for many complaints and where a very thin needle is put into both the skin and the muscles with different purposes.

Furthermore, I constantly attend school, with additional training and congresses (see CV) and I follow the scientific literature closely, in order to offer you a treatment that is as scientifically based as possible and takes into account the most recent developments within the organization. physiotherapy. Physiotherapy and the research that is being conducted in our sector has increased enormously in recent years and being aware of this literature is crucial if optimal rehabilitation is to be offered to the patient.


In 2022 studeerde ik met onderscheiding af als kinesitherapeut aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Doorheen de opleiding heb ik stage gelopen in verschillende privé praktijken en woonzorgcentra. Hiernaast heb ik ook bij diverse afdelingen in het UZ Brussel gewerkt. Dankzij deze stageplaatsen heb ik een brede achtergrondkennis opgedaan binnen de algemene revalidatie en sportkinesitherapie, orthopedie, geriatrie, neurologie en cardiologie.

Zelf ben ik van jongs af aan gepassioneerd door sport en beweging. Zo heb ik veel ervaring binnen tennis, voetbal, wielrennen, hardlopen en fitness.

De kennis die ik opgedaan heb tijdens de opleiding en op stage wil ik nu gebruiken om samen met (de patiënten?/jou?) hun doel te bereiken. Dit kan gaan van terug klachtenvrij functioneren in het dagelijks leven tot het herwinnen en verbeteren van de sportprestatie.


Diplômée d’un master en kinésithérapie en 2015 du Parnasse-ISEI, je me suis directement spécialisée en périnétalité, ainsi qu’en pelvi-périnéologie. J’ai donc obtenu en 2017 mon certificat universitaire en rééducation pelvi-périnéologique à l’UCL Louvain.

Sans cesse à la recherche des meilleurs traitements à proposer à mes patients et ayant soif d’apprendre, je me tiens à jour de manière continue via diverses formations, lectures de livres, d’articles scientifiques, d’études, …

L’encadrement de stagiaires en milieu hospitalier me permet également de garder un pied dans l’évolution de notre métier.

Je vous propose donc de vous accompagner dans cette période qu’est la périnétalité, ainsi que dans le traitement de vos troubles liés à la sphère abdomino-périnéales (liés ou non à la grossesse, en pré- et post-chirurgie, …), et ce avec professionnalisme, mais également avec écoute et bienveillance.

N’hésitez pas à me contacter également si vous avez la moindre question.

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer et de faire ce petit bout de chemin avec vous.